Game Funds: Investing in the Board Game World


The world of board games has experienced a surge in popularity and profitability in recent years. As individuals seek alternative forms of entertainment, many have turned to the immersive and interactive experience that board games provide. This growing demand has led to an increase in interest from investors looking to capitalize on this trend through game funds – investment vehicles specifically designed for investing in the board game industry.

To illustrate the potential success of investing in game funds, let us consider a hypothetical scenario involving a popular board game called “Strategic Conquest.” Released by a small independent publisher, “Strategic Conquest” quickly gained traction among avid board gamers due to its innovative gameplay mechanics and captivating theme. Recognizing its potential, an investor allocated a portion of their portfolio to a game fund focused on supporting emerging board game publishers.

This example highlights the allure of investing in game funds within the burgeoning board game industry. In this article, we will explore the concept of game funds, examining how they operate and why they are becoming increasingly attractive options for both seasoned investors and newcomers alike. By delving into the unique characteristics and benefits associated with these investment vehicles, readers will gain valuable insights into how they can potentially tap into the vibrant world of board gaming through strategic financial investments.

Components: The Essential Elements of a Board Game

Board games have been enjoyed by individuals of all ages for centuries, providing entertainment and fostering social interactions. While the gameplay and themes may vary significantly, every board game consists of essential components that contribute to its overall experience. Understanding these key elements is crucial for both players and investors alike in order to evaluate a game’s potential success and appeal.

Development and Design:
The development and design phase of a board game encompasses various aspects such as theme selection, artwork creation, rule formulation, and component production. For instance, let us consider the case study of “Empire Builders,” a popular strategy-based board game set in ancient Rome. In this hypothetical example, meticulous attention was given to historical accuracy in terms of the illustrations used on the cards, ensuring an immersive experience for players. Additionally, thorough playtesting allowed developers to refine the ruleset with input from diverse groups of participants.


To evoke an emotional response from audiences, it is important to highlight some captivating examples through bullet points or tables:

  • High-quality materials: Utilizing durable components enhances longevity while also conveying a sense of value.
  • Engaging artwork: Visually appealing illustrations create excitement and immersion within the game world.
  • Innovative mechanics: Unique gameplay mechanisms challenge players’ strategic thinking abilities, creating memorable experiences.
  • Thematic coherence: Consistency between the game’s theme, components, and mechanics helps transport players into a cohesive narrative universe.

Table Example:

Components Description
Game Board Provides the playing surface
Player Tokens Represents each player
Cards Conveys information or actions
Dice Determines random outcomes

By grasping how these vital components come together harmoniously within a board game’s framework, one can then move forward towards comprehending the importance of Understanding the Rules for a successful gameplay experience.

Instructions: Understanding the Rules for a Successful Game

In the world of board games, components play a vital role in creating an immersive and engaging experience for players. These physical objects are not merely decorative; they serve specific functions that contribute to the gameplay itself. Let’s explore some key components commonly found in board games using an example scenario.

Imagine you are playing a popular strategy game called “Kingdoms of Power.” This game includes various components that enhance the overall gaming experience. For instance, the game features beautifully crafted miniatures representing different types of armies, such as knights, archers, and cavalry units. These miniatures add visual appeal and allow players to physically interact with their troops on the game board.

Additionally, “Kingdoms of Power” incorporates resource cards that represent valuable assets like gold mines, fertile lands, or trade routes. Players strategically manage these resources throughout the game to gain an advantage over their opponents. The inclusion of resource cards provides depth and strategic decision-making opportunities within the gameplay.

To further engage players emotionally during gameplay, here are some aspects worth considering:

  • Artwork: Visually stunning illustrations can transport players into imaginary worlds.
  • Quality: High-quality materials create a sense of luxury and durability.
  • Theme Consistency: Coherent design elements reinforce immersion by aligning with the game’s theme.
  • Accessibility: Clear and concise rulebooks make learning easier for new players.
Component Purpose Emotional Response
Miniatures Enhance immersion and tactical decision-making Excitement and pride from owning intricately designed figurines
Resource Cards Strategic planning and resource management Satisfaction when acquiring rare or valuable resources
Artwork Visual storytelling and aesthetic pleasure Appreciation for detailed illustrations evoking imagination
Rulebooks Learning how to play effectively

Player Aids: Tools to Enhance Your Gaming Experience

Transitioning from the previous section on understanding game rules, let’s discuss strategies for investing in the board game industry. To illustrate how these strategies can be applied, let’s consider a hypothetical case study of a board game enthusiast named Sarah who decides to invest in the board game market.

One effective strategy is diversifying your investments across different types of board games. By spreading her investment portfolio across various genres such as strategy games, party games, and cooperative games, Sarah reduces the risk associated with any single type of game underperforming or becoming less popular. This approach allows her to take advantage of trends in the market while minimizing potential losses.

Another key aspect of successful investing in this industry is staying informed about current market trends and consumer preferences. Sarah regularly conducts research to identify emerging game designers, popular themes, and innovative mechanics. By keeping up with news articles, social media discussions, and attending gaming conventions where new releases are showcased, she gains insights into what games have potential for success.

Furthermore, it is essential to pay attention to factors that may impact the value of a board game over time. For instance, limited edition versions or rare expansions often become highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts alike. Identifying these unique opportunities can lead to significant returns on investment if purchased early at lower prices.

  • Exciting opportunities await within the dynamic landscape of the board game industry.
  • Take calculated risks by diversifying your portfolio across various game genres.
  • Stay updated with market trends and consumer preferences through extensive research.
  • Identify valuable assets such as limited editions or rare expansions for long-term growth.

In addition to bullet points, we present you with a table showcasing some influential aspects when considering investments in the board game industry:

Factors Impact on Investment
Popularity of the game designer Can significantly increase value if designer gains recognition and popularity.
Quality of gameplay mechanics Games with innovative, engaging, or unique mechanics tend to have higher staying power in the market.
Theme and artwork appeal Attractive themes and high-quality artwork can enhance a game’s desirability among buyers.
Online community ratings and reviews Positive feedback from gaming communities often translates into increased demand for specific games.

Considering these factors when making investment decisions will help maximize potential returns.

Transitioning smoothly into the next section about “Rule Variations: Adding Spice to Your Board Game Sessions,” we explore how rule variations can enhance your overall gaming experience without disrupting the fundamental rules that make board games enjoyable challenges.

Rule Variations: Adding Spice to Your Board Game Sessions

Having explored the various Player Aids that can enhance your gaming experience, let us now delve into another aspect of board games that holds significant value for both players and collectors alike. In this section, we will discuss the potential benefits of investing in the board game world.

Investing in Board Games: Unlocking Potential Returns
Imagine a scenario where a collector purchases an out-of-print edition of a popular board game from several years ago. This particular edition is highly sought after by enthusiasts due to its limited availability and unique components. The collector manages to acquire it at a reasonable price through diligent research and careful negotiation. As time passes, demand for this edition continues to rise among avid gamers who are willing to pay a premium for it. Consequently, the collector’s investment turns into a lucrative opportunity as they sell the game at a significantly higher price than what was initially paid.

Benefits of Investing in Board Games:

  • Appreciation Value: Certain rare or collectible board games have shown substantial appreciation over time.
  • Emotional Connection: Owning valuable editions may evoke nostalgia and sentimental attachment, enriching one’s overall gaming experience.
  • Diversification Opportunity: Investing in board games provides an alternative asset class diversifying your portfolio beyond traditional investments.
  • Tangible Enjoyment: Unlike stocks or bonds, board games provide tangible products that can be played and enjoyed with family and friends.

Table showcasing notable examples of appreciating board games:

Game Title Year Released Original Price ($) Current Market Value ($)
Settlers of Catan 1995 30 100+
Puerto Rico 2002 40 120+
Scythe 2016 60 150+
Gloomhaven 2017 140 200+

Investing in the board game world can be an exciting and potentially lucrative endeavor. However, it is important to note that not all games will appreciate significantly in value, and investing solely for financial gain may dilute the joy of playing these engaging creations. As with any investment, thorough research, understanding market trends, and carefully evaluating your personal preferences are crucial factors to consider before diving into this alternative asset class.

As we have explored the potential benefits of investing in board games, let us now turn our attention to another essential aspect of strategic gameplay – managing resources through game currency.

Game Currency: Managing Resources for Strategic Gameplay

Exploring New Horizons with Expansions

Expanding your board game collection is an exciting endeavor that allows you to dive deeper into the world of strategic gameplay. One effective way to enhance your gaming experience and add new layers of excitement is by investing in expansions. These supplementary components bring fresh content, mechanics, and challenges to the tabletop, enriching the overall gaming experience.

One notable example of a successful expansion is “The Forgotten Lands” for the popular fantasy-themed board game, “Realm Quest.” This expansion introduces additional characters, quests, and locations for players to explore, providing countless hours of immersive gameplay. By incorporating such expansions into their sessions, gamers can rejuvenate their gaming routine and keep it engaging even after numerous playthroughs.

To understand why expansions are highly sought after among board game enthusiasts, consider these advantages:

  • Increased replayability: Expansions introduce new elements that breathe life into familiar games, keeping them enjoyable over extended periods.
  • Enhanced depth: With added mechanics and components, expansions offer more complex strategies and decision-making opportunities.
  • Extended social interaction: Fresh content sparks conversations among players as they discuss new tactics or share memorable moments.
  • Community engagement: Many expansions are community-driven projects, showcasing the passion and creativity of fellow gamers.

To illustrate how expansions can transform a board game’s dynamics visually:

Expansion Name Key Features Price Range ($) Availability
The Forgotten Lands Additional characters, quests, locations 25-35 Online stores
Underwater Odyssey Aquatic theme with unique gameplay twists 20-30 Local game shops
Galactic Conquest Intergalactic battles and space exploration 30-40 Kickstarter campaign
Lost Ruins of the Ancients Uncover ancient secrets in a treacherous jungle setting 15-25 Board game conventions

In summary, investing in expansions can breathe new life into your board game sessions. These additional components provide increased replayability, enhanced depth, extended social interaction, and opportunities for community engagement. By exploring expansions like “The Forgotten Lands” for Realm Quest or other exciting options available on the market, you can elevate your gaming experience to new heights.

Scorekeeping: Keeping Track of Victories and Defeats

Transitioning from the previous section on managing resources, let us now delve into the intricacies of game currency within the board game world. To illustrate its importance, consider a hypothetical scenario where players must strategically manage their virtual funds in order to acquire valuable resources and gain an advantage over their opponents.

In many board games, game currency serves as a crucial component that enables players to make strategic decisions throughout gameplay. This virtual money allows individuals to purchase assets, upgrade characters, or unlock new abilities. By effectively managing their resources, players can enhance their chances of success and outmaneuver their rivals.

To better understand the significance of Game Currency Management, here are some key points worth considering:

  • Strategic Decision-Making: Game currency forces players to think critically about when and how to spend their limited funds. It encourages them to evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of each transaction, weighing short-term gains against long-term goals.
  • Resource Allocation: Properly allocating game currency is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Players must decide whether to invest heavily in one area or diversify their spending across multiple aspects of the game. These choices can significantly impact overall gameplay outcomes.
  • Risk Assessment: The availability of game currency introduces an element of risk assessment into strategic decision-making processes. Players must assess the potential risks associated with certain investments before committing their funds, ensuring they maximize returns while minimizing losses.
  • Economic Dynamics: Board games often simulate economic systems, providing players with opportunities to experience various market dynamics firsthand. Understanding these dynamics enhances players’ ability to navigate financial landscapes effectively.

Consider this table summarizing different approaches to game currency management:

Approach Description
Aggressive Strategy Invest heavily early on for rapid advancement but at higher risk
Conservative Strategy Prioritize saving and cautious spending for long-term stability
Balanced Strategy Seek a middle ground, allocating funds strategically for both short-term gains and long-term growth
Opportunistic Strategy Capitalize on sudden opportunities or advantageous situations to gain an edge

As players navigate the complexities of game currency management, they develop skills that extend beyond the board game world. These include financial literacy, risk assessment abilities, and strategic decision-making prowess. Furthermore, understanding economic principles within games can foster a deeper appreciation for real-world markets and encourage critical thinking in monetary matters.

Transitioning into the subsequent section about “Expansions: Extending the Life and Enjoyment of Your Game,” players can explore how additional content and expansions provide new challenges and enhance gameplay experiences without losing sight of their acquired resources.

Expansions: Extending the Life and Enjoyment of Your Game

As we delve deeper into the world of board games, it becomes evident that there are numerous ways to enhance our gaming experiences. One such way is through game expansions, which offer players new content and opportunities for further enjoyment. Let us explore how expansions can extend the life and excitement of your favorite board games.

Expansions provide a means to breathe fresh air into well-loved board games. Take, for example, the popular strategy game “Settlers of Catan.” Its expansion pack, “Seafarers,” introduces additional gameplay elements by allowing players to venture beyond the main island and explore distant shores in search of valuable resources. This expansion not only adds complexity but also extends the replayability factor, making each session feel unique.

Here are some key reasons why investing in expansions can greatly enhance your board gaming experience:

  • Increased Variety: Expansions introduce new scenarios, characters, or mechanics that diversify gameplay options.
  • Extended Replayability: By offering additional content, expansions ensure that even after numerous playthroughs, the game feels engaging and exciting.
  • Deeper Immersion: Expansions often expand upon the lore and storyline of the base game, immersing players further into the thematic universe.
  • Enhanced Social Interactions: With new dynamics introduced by expansions, players have more opportunities for negotiation, cooperation, or competition within their gaming group.

To illustrate this further, let’s consider a comparison between two editions of a popular deck-building card game:

Base Edition Expansion Edition
Gameplay Depth Moderate High
Card Variety Limited Vast
Strategic Options Few Abundant
Player Interaction Minimal Intense

As shown in the table above, the expansion edition of the game offers a more immersive and engaging experience due to its increased gameplay depth, wider variety of cards, expanded strategic options, and intense player interaction. These elements combine to create an emotionally charged gaming experience that keeps players coming back for more.

In summary, investing in expansions can add new dimensions to your board games, prolonging their lifespan while providing fresh challenges and experiences. As we move forward into our exploration of board game strategies, let us now delve into the art of decision making within these captivating worlds.

Now that we have discussed how expansions can enhance our enjoyment of board games, it is time to explore another crucial aspect – strategy. Mastering the art of decision making in board games will elevate your playstyle and increase your chances of victory.

Strategy: Mastering the Art of Decision Making in Board Games

Imagine this scenario: you’ve been playing your favorite board game for months, mastering its strategies, and reveling in each victory. However, after countless playthroughs, the game begins to lose some of its excitement. This is where expansions come into play – they offer new content and experiences that can reinvigorate your gaming sessions.

Expansions serve as an opportunity for game designers to expand upon the original gameplay mechanics and provide players with fresh challenges. One notable example is the expansion set for “Settlers of Catan,” called “Seafarers.” In this expansion, players venture beyond the confines of land exploration and embark on maritime adventures. With new scenarios, resources, and rules introduced through expansions like these, players are presented with novel ways to engage with their favorite games.

To better understand why expansions have become such a significant part of the board game world, let’s explore some key reasons:

  1. Variety: Expansions introduce new characters, locations, or storylines that add depth and variation to the game experience.
  2. Replayability: By introducing additional content and alternate paths to victory, expansions breathe new life into games that may otherwise become repetitive over time.
  3. Community Engagement: Expansions often generate discussions among fellow gamers about strategy tips or exciting moments within these expanded worlds.
  4. Economic Value: Some expansions offer more hours of entertainment per dollar spent compared to purchasing an entirely new game.

Take a look at the table below showcasing popular board games along with their highly regarded expansions:

Board Game Expansion Name Key Features
Terraforming Mars Prelude Accelerates gameplay while adding strategic depth
Scythe Invaders from Afar Introduces two new factions for increased player count
Pandemic On the Brink Adds new roles, events, and challenges to the base game
Ticket to Ride Europe Expands gameplay with additional routes and mechanics

As you can see from these examples, expansions offer diverse enhancements that cater to different aspects of board gaming. They provide players with an opportunity to delve deeper into their favorite games while keeping them engaged for extended periods.

Transitioning into the next section about “Social Interaction: Building Connections through Tabletop Gaming,” it becomes evident that beyond the excitement brought by expansions, another crucial aspect of tabletop gaming lies in its ability to foster social bonds among players. By engaging in face-to-face interactions around a shared table, gamers have ample opportunities to connect and build relationships beyond the confines of virtual experiences.

Social Interaction: Building Connections through Tabletop Gaming

Building upon the strategic aspect discussed earlier, an essential element that makes board games captivating is their ability to foster social interaction among players. Through face-to-face interactions and shared experiences, tabletop gaming provides a platform for individuals to connect and form relationships.

Consider a hypothetical example where a group of friends gathers regularly to play a popular board game called “Settlers of Catan.” As they engage in gameplay, not only are they strategizing and making decisions, but also engaging in conversation, negotiation, and friendly competition. This social aspect adds depth and enjoyment to their overall experience.

To further explore the significance of social interaction in board games, let us delve into four key reasons why it plays such a vital role:

  1. Community Building:

    • Board games often bring people together by creating opportunities for collective engagement.
    • They provide avenues for like-minded individuals with common interests to bond over shared hobbies.
    • The sense of belonging arising from these connections cultivates a strong community spirit.
  2. Communication Skills Development:

    • Players must effectively communicate their strategies or intentions during gameplay.
    • Verbal exchanges encourage active listening and effective articulation.
    • Negotiation skills are honed as participants navigate alliances, trades, and compromises within the game’s framework.
  3. Emotional Bonding:

    • Engaging with others while playing board games can evoke various emotions such as excitement, anticipation, joy, or even occasional frustration.
    • Shared emotional experiences contribute to stronger bonds between players.
    • These emotional connections extend beyond the confines of gameplay and enhance real-life friendships.
  4. Cooperative Learning:

    • Many modern board games require collaboration rather than solely relying on individual efforts.
    • Cooperation fosters teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability.
    • Players learn to synchronize their actions towards a common goal while respecting diverse perspectives.

In light of these factors, it becomes evident that social interaction is not only an inherent component of board game experiences but also contributes significantly to the overall enjoyment and value derived from tabletop gaming. By facilitating connections between individuals and encouraging communication, emotional bonding, and cooperative learning, board games offer more than just entertainment; they foster meaningful relationships and personal growth.

Transitioning into the subsequent section about “Artwork and Design: Appreciating the Visual Appeal of Board Games,” let us explore how aesthetics contribute to enhancing the immersive experience offered by these captivating games.

Artwork and Design: Appreciating the Visual Appeal of Board Games

Building on the social connections formed through tabletop gaming, another aspect that captures the attention of board game enthusiasts is the artwork and design found within these games. The visual appeal plays a significant role in enhancing the overall gaming experience, drawing players into immersive worlds and complementing gameplay mechanics.

Artwork and design in board games offer not only aesthetic pleasure but also contribute to creating an engaging atmosphere for players. Consider a hypothetical example where a group of friends gathers around a table to play a fantasy-themed cooperative board game. As they unfold the intricately illustrated game board depicting lush landscapes and mystical creatures, their imaginations are immediately sparked, transporting them into a world filled with adventure and excitement. Such artistic elements serve as catalysts for storytelling and immersion, allowing players to become fully invested in their roles within the game’s narrative.

To further illustrate the impact of artwork and design in board games, let us explore several key aspects:

  • Visual Theme: Board games often revolve around specific themes, ranging from historical events to futuristic dystopias or whimsical fantasies. A visually captivating theme can evoke emotions such as curiosity, nostalgia, or wonderment among players.
  • Illustrative Detail: Intricate illustrations bring characters, objects, and settings to life within board games. Attention to detail contributes to player engagement by fostering exploration and discovery throughout gameplay.
  • Component Design: Components such as cards, tokens, or miniatures are meticulously designed to enhance both functionality and aesthetics. Well-crafted components add tactile satisfaction while aligning with the thematic elements of the game.
  • Box Art: The cover art of a board game serves as its first impression on potential players. Eye-catching box designs not only attract attention on store shelves but also provide glimpses into what awaits inside—a gateway into new worlds waiting to be explored.

The importance of artwork and design extends beyond mere visual pleasure; it becomes an integral part of shaping memorable experiences in tabletop gaming. It sets the stage, captivates players’ imaginations, and adds depth to the gameplay itself. As we delve further into the realm of board games, let us now explore another vital aspect: collaboration in cooperative gaming.

Collaboration encourages teamwork and fosters camaraderie among players as they work together towards a shared goal.

Collaboration: Working Together for Cooperative Gaming

As we explore the world of board games, it is important to acknowledge the significant role that artwork and design play in enhancing our gaming experience. The visual appeal of a game can captivate players, immersing them into intricate worlds crafted with creativity and precision. For instance, let’s consider the popular board game “Ticket to Ride.” Its beautifully illustrated cards depicting train routes across different regions not only provide vital gameplay information but also evoke a sense of adventure and discovery.

When it comes to board game artwork and design, several key factors contribute to its overall impact:

  1. Theme Integration: A well-designed game seamlessly integrates its theme throughout every aspect, from box art to component illustrations. This integration enhances immersion by creating a cohesive narrative that connects players with the game’s world.
  2. Aesthetic Consistency: Consistent aesthetics create harmony within a board game’s visuals. Colors, typography, and graphical elements should align with the chosen theme, reinforcing the intended atmosphere or tone.
  3. Iconography Clarity: Clear iconography is crucial for conveying information efficiently during gameplay without excessive reliance on text-based instructions. Intuitive symbols enhance accessibility while reducing language barriers among international players.
  4. Component Quality: High-quality components elevate the tactile experience of playing a board game. From sturdy boards and tokens to intricately designed miniatures or detailed cardstock pieces, these physical elements add value and engage players beyond mere functionality.

The importance placed on artwork and design in modern board games cannot be overstated. These visually captivating aspects draw us into fantastical realms or historical eras, sparking curiosity and igniting our imagination as we embark on thrilling adventures around a table.

Emotions Evoked by Artistic Board Game Components

In conclusion, the artwork and design of board games contribute significantly to our overall enjoyment and immersion in these interactive experiences. By integrating thematic elements, maintaining aesthetic consistency, ensuring clarity in iconography, and providing high-quality components, game designers enhance player engagement and create memorable gaming sessions.

Transitioning into the subsequent section about “Competition: Testing Your Skills in Head-to-Head Battles,” we delve deeper into the competitive aspect of board gaming. Understanding how players can challenge each other fosters a more comprehensive appreciation for the multifaceted nature of this hobby.

Competition: Testing Your Skills in Head-to-Head Battles

Building on the spirit of collaboration, board games also offer a platform for friendly competition. In these head-to-head battles, players can test their skills and strategic thinking against one another. Whether it’s a classic game like Chess or a modern favorite like Catan, competitive gaming brings excitement and intensity to the table.

Competitive board games provide an opportunity for players to engage in thrilling contests that challenge their abilities. For instance, consider the case of “Risk,” a popular strategy game where players compete to conquer territories and dominate the world map. This intense battle of wits requires careful planning, diplomatic negotiation, and tactical maneuvers to outsmart opponents and secure victory.

To further understand the allure of competitive gaming, let us explore some key aspects that make it so captivating:

  1. Challenging Gameplay: Competitive board games often feature complex rules and intricate strategies that push players to think critically and strategically. The mental stimulation derived from deciphering opponent moves while adapting your own strategy adds an intellectual dimension to the gameplay experience.

  2. Emotional Rollercoaster: The thrill of competing against others elicits various emotions throughout the course of a game. From initial excitement during setup to moments of frustration when faced with setbacks, every move carries weight and can evoke feelings of anticipation, joy, disappointment, or even triumph.

  3. Sense of Achievement: Winning a fiercely contested match leaves players with a profound sense of accomplishment. Overcoming challenges presented by skilled adversaries fosters personal growth and builds resilience as individuals strive to improve their gameplay tactics.

  4. Social Bonding: Competitive gaming serves as a bonding activity among friends or family members who share a common interest in board games. Engaging in spirited matches creates lasting memories while fostering camaraderie through shared experiences and playful banter.

Key Aspects Description
Challenging Gameplay Complex rules and intricate strategies that push players to think critically and strategically.
Emotional Rollercoaster Evokes various emotions throughout the game – anticipation, joy, disappointment, triumph.
Sense of Achievement Winning fosters personal growth, resilience, and a profound sense of accomplishment.
Social Bonding Competitive gaming creates lasting memories and fosters camaraderie among players.

In summary, competitive board games offer an exciting avenue for individuals to test their skills against worthy opponents. Through challenging gameplay, emotional rollercoasters, a sense of achievement, and social bonding experiences, these head-to-head battles provide a dynamic platform for friendly competition. So gather your friends or family members around the table and embark on thrilling adventures where victory awaits those who can outwit and outplay their adversaries.


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